Welcome to Virtual TDG
This course is designed to provide instruction for Canadian
employees on the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act and Regulations.
To obtain TDG passcodes please select the "Register" link on the top navigation bar. Group rates are also available
To begin your TDG online training course enter the username and
password that have been supplied to you in the boxes on
the left and then follow the instructions provided. To purchase a passcode, please click on the "Register" link above.
The TDG course can be completed in stages and takes approximately 2 to 3 hours to complete. Upon
successful completion of the course, you will be able to print
your TDG Certficate --- This Certificate must be signed
by your employer/designated manager to be considered valid.
Self employed persons may sign off on their own Certificate.
Participating employers and managers are encouraged to review the TDG training
material. Course materials are available to Employers/Managers
on request by contacting us at
PLEASE NOTE - This course addresses the general TDG training requirements involving the TDG Act and Regulations. “Site” or “Job” specific training with the actual materials and job procedures may also be required to fully comply with the TDG requirements.